Unsure what level to play? Rules? or Where to Stay?
ROSTER: Roster maximum of 2 players. Two players on the court per team - with no more than two players on the roster. Teams with less than the required number of players must forfeit.
SCORING: All games will be played using rally scoring.
TIPS: No open hand tips.
DOUBLE CONTACT: Players may double contact a hard driven ball only. No setting the serve.
LET SERVES: Let Serves are legal.
BLOCKING: A block is counted as a team hit.
FOOT DIGS: Foot Digs are legal.
SETTING OVER: When the ball is set into the opponents court, the setters shoulders must be "Squared Up" or Perpendicular to the line of flight of the ball. And it must be "clean".
TIME OUTS: Each team is allowed two 30 second timeouts per game. Time out may be called prior to server receiving ball on either side of court between plays.
SIDE CHANGES: Teams should switch sides of the court after every 7 points in games to 21 or more, and every 5 points for games to 15.
FORFEIT RULE: A 10 minute forfeit rule is in effect.
What Level Should I play?
Open - Great Player (The highest level of play)
AA - Very Good Player
A - Good Player
BB - Average Player
B - Recreational Player (The lowest level of play)

Places to Stay
Looking for a place to stay? There are several hotels very close to our venue. See the list below.
We know volleyball doesn't pay... but we would like to help with the cost. We have several "host families" in our volleyball community who are willing to open their home for you to stay while you're in town. We would love to have you come stay with us! And You never know what lifelong friendships you might make!
Shoot us an email or give us a call to make arrangements!